parakeet cages article from aosom
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What are the Best setups for Parakeet Cages?

Deciding to bring a parakeet to your home can be quite exciting and thrilling. Parakeets are colorful, graceful birds that are full of energy. Being flock birds, they love attention, they are very social, and make wonderful pets. However, in order to provide a safe and comfortable retreat for your little feathered friend you need to first understand its needs and requirements, and have everything set up accordingly. It is only if your bird is provided with all measures of comfort, will it be able to best adapt to its new habitat and thrive happily.

Parakeets or budgerigars are one of the most popular species of pet birds in America. Parakeets actually belong to the family of parrots and are extremely intelligent. They need constant mental stimulation, adequate diet, enriching surroundings and lots of playtime and fun to stay active and healthy. Parakeets are intensely high on energy and require ample space for free movement and lots of instinctive activities such as flying, playing and climbing. Because of these traits,  There are certain things that you need to keep in mind before setting up the cage for your pet parakeet.

Cage Size


Parakeet cages are designed specifically for these energetic birds, giving them ample space for free flight and movement. Many people think that small birds can be easily made to thrive in tiny cages. However, it is a misconception, since parakeets though small need large spaces to carry out their daily activities. Parakeet cages should not only be at least three times the size of the bird with extended wings, but also have bar spacing of approximately half an inch. The adequate spacing prevents the little heads and beaks of the parakeet from getting trapped between the bars. Also, another benefit of parakeet cages help to restrain them from escaping altogether from their poorly designed generic bird cage. In addition to this, parakeets have long feathers, which need to be stretched and extended at frequent intervals. For this reason, parakeet cages are both wider and taller to facilitate easy activity.

Cage Design


While deciding upon the style and design of cage for your parakeet, you need to ensure the practicality and optimum functionality of the cage, more than its aesthetics. You can go for hard enamel or plastic cages which are much more hygienic than decorative cages which have a tendency of toxin buildup and harboring bacteria. Since parakeets can be quite energetic and powerful, the strength and durability of your cage is critical to its utility. You can pick a wrought iron or metal cage to protect it from the strong beak of your parakeet.


new parakeet cages available at

Get Different Toys

According to Dr. Foster Smith, Many behavioral and health problems from your parakeet can stem from your bird not receiving enough mental stimulation. When you’re out at work, your bird spends all of its time trying to stay busy until you get back. When it comes to picking toys for your parakeet cages setup, here are some of the top things to consider:

Toys with Color – unlike many other animals, birds can see a wider specturm of colors than humans can. So finding one or two toys that have varying colors will be a wonderful addition to your parakeet cage.

Toys that are Challenging – make sure that your bird stays motivated by getting either puzzles or ladders to help focus them on both problem-solving and movement.

Toys that make Sound – being able to jam out with a cute little bell is the best when a bird is bored.  This can provide hours of fun and entertain when you’re away from home.


Great toys for parakeet cages

Bowls and dishes


As per normal standards, a bird cage should have at least two water bowls for bathing and drinking and a third one for the food. You may go for ceramic or steel bowls that are non-porous and have negligible chances of harboring harmful bacteria. You should ensure regular cleaning of the water bowls to keep them free of germs, and check and replenish the water level at regular intervals to protect your parakeet against dehydration. If cleaning is your main concern, you may go for tube style water containers which are built to keep the water cleaner for longer period of time as compared to the traditional bowls.

great deals on parakeet cages

Just remember, that the cage is where your parakeet will be spending a major chunk of its time. And it is utmost essential to ensure that your bird stays safe, healthy and happy in its home.

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monique s
monique s
8 years ago

I have a parakeet and these are really good tips

Terry Poage
8 years ago

I would love to have a bird but fear my cats would eat it.

8 years ago

I have parakeets i love them they do make great pets awesome tips thanks

Pam Flynn
Pam Flynn
8 years ago

I had two parakeets when I was a kid and they were so funny together. It was really important to keep the cage clean & have engaging toys for them.

Jo-Ann Brightman
8 years ago

I never realized how much there was to do to keep a bird happy and occupied.

Michelle Corriveau-Carlino
Michelle Corriveau-Carlino
8 years ago

I have always loved birds and have rescued many.. great tips..and have been a fan and customer of Drs.Foster&Smith for a long time now..

Erin Will
Erin Will
8 years ago

I have a friend that has a parakeet and they are very neat birds. I am going to share this great article with her!

Minta Boggs
Minta Boggs
8 years ago

OMGosh! When I clicked on this pic of pets I just literally started bawling like a baby, Since October 6th my little pet parakeet got out and flew outside and we can’t find him at all. I agree with everything about bird cages and toys and everything else. He looks just like the turquoise one but mine had a yellow head. I wished I wouldn’t have clicked on the pet page. Not because of you it just hurts so bad and I want him to come back so bad.

Kristen H.
Kristen H.
8 years ago

I wish I had known some of these things when I had a parakeet. I would have been able to take even better care of her. I will certainly keep these tips in mind if I decide to get another parakeet in the future.

Trinity R.
Trinity R.
8 years ago

Thank you so much for this post.
Great ideas

Cheryll Shubert
Cheryll Shubert
8 years ago

Thanks so much for the great tips! We are thinking of getting a parakeet! This was very informative and helpful. Truly appreciate it!!

Brandon Sparks
Brandon Sparks
8 years ago

I really want to get some birds likes this. My kids would love it.

Jaclyn Reynolds
Jaclyn Reynolds
8 years ago

Great tips!! They definitely enjoy having toys!

Susan C.
Susan C.
8 years ago

We had a parakeet when I was a kid, and I loved it dearly. These are wonderful tips! Thanks!

Lisa Queen
Lisa Queen
8 years ago

I use to have a parakeet. These are good tips! Thanks!

Meg Tucker
Meg Tucker
8 years ago

The parakeet article has good info. and I will forward this one to my sister. She recently got 2 parakeets!

Cheryll A Shubert
Cheryll A Shubert
8 years ago

We have been thinking about getting a parakeet. They are totally cute and pretty easy to take care of. Thank you so much for the great tips!!