Your child wants to zoom around the neighborhood, or at least the driveway, but they aren’t ready for a bike yet? Scooters are entertaining, practical, and just plain fun alternative.
Scooters are also really easy to use. If your child just isn’t getting the hang of riding a bike, scooters might be more their style. There isn’t a big “learning curve”, and is much easier to learn balance on compared to skateboards or bicycles.
To help you find the right one for your child, we have put together this guide on scooters – lets find the perfect scooter for your family!
Important Features
- Type of scooters
- Height & Comfort
- Your child’s age
- Price
Different Types of Scooters

Before you go out and buy whatever scooter looks okay, you should consider the different kinds there are. There are usually four different types of scooters that people look for when buying one for their children:
- Three-wheeled
- Two-wheeled
- Trick
- Electric
Three-wheel scooters are perfect for kids just getting the hang of their balancing skills. The additional wheel in the back increases stability to ensure their safety.
Two-wheel scooters have less stability, but that should be no problem for an advanced rider! Two-wheelers usually have a braking system attached to the back wheel. The rider presses a metal bar on top of the back wheel to stop the wheel. Even if they are less stable, two-wheel scooters have safety brakes to keep your child safe.
Trick scooters are usually not recommended for young kids. They are designed to withstand the excessive force caused by skate jumps, tricks, and stunts. While they are incredibly durable and lightweight, they also lack some features you may find necessary.
Many pro scooters do not fold or have an adjustable height. These features may cause weak spots that cannot withstand the excessive force caused by tricks.
Electric scooters are fun just to ride around on – since they require no pushing. Your kid can go around in circles pushed by a motor. However, if you are looking for something that offers more exercise, electric scooters are not the best option.
Height & Comfort
Many scooters have an adjustable handlebar height, so you can change the height as your child grows. This is also useful for those awkward times when your child is too big for one size scooter but too small for the next size up.
Additionally, pick a scooter that has soft grips on the handlebars. When your child brakes or rides for a long time, they’ll appreciate the added comfort.
Your Child’s Age
Your child’s age has a significant impact on what scooter is appropriate for them. A heavyweight, two-wheeled metal scooter may not be appropriate for a two-year-old just getting used to standing on her own.
A better scooter for them would be a plastic three-wheeler. It is more lightweight, and the extra wheel offers more balance. The metal two-wheeler would be better for older kids who have more experience riding a scooter.
Of course, just like with any other shopping you do, you should always consider the price. Not just for the sake of your wallet, but the relative quality and available features of the scooter.
Scooters under $50
You will find some inexpensive models that certainly won’t break the bank. However, they may be less durable and offer fewer features than the more expensive models.
Scooters $50-$100
Between $50 and $100 is the typical price range for baseline quality and durable scooters. If you are looking for a typical two- or three-wheeled scooter for your child to enjoy for a long time, this price range may be suitable.
Scooters $100-$200
High-end or customizable pro-level scooters can usually be found in this range. They may not have all the features (like electrical power) of a higher-end expensive model, but there are plenty of quality choices here.
Scooters Over $200
If you find a scooter that costs closer to $500 dollars, you’ve probably come across a premium electric scooter. These powered scooters are built with more sturdy and durable materials to withstand harsher terrains and conditions.
Safety Gear When Riding a Scooter
Scooters are not especially dangerous, particularly when the child is trained and properly supervised by adults. All children, especially younger than age eight, should be properly supervised when riding. To keep them safe and protected, ensure your child:
- Wears properly fitting protective gear such as a helmet, elbow pads, and knee pads
- Wears sturdy shoes (no flip flops or sandals!)
- Rides only on smooth surfaces
- Does not go into traffic
Who Can Ride a Scooter?
The answer is simple: anyone can ride a scooter! Scooters are made for all ages. Since they are so easy to use, even beginners have no trouble figuring it out.
Some adults may think riding a scooter is childish, but there are tons of benefits:
They Do not Require a License
Cars and motorcycles require a state license to drive. Scooters do not. If you want to ride an electric scooter, you do not need to have license to ride it to school or work, unless it exceeds certain speeds or horsepower, in limited jurisdictions.
They are a convenient and inexpensive way to make short commutes and get around town or campus
Scooters can use either pedal power or electricity to go. Whichever scooter you purchase, it is eco-friendly and great for commuting – no expensive gasoline needed!
Scooters can be great gifts for your college-age kid! They’ll be happy getting across campus quickly and easily with a scooter.
They’re Great Exercise
Scooters help develop motor skills and improve balance. They’re fun to ride to school, your friend’s house, across campus, or a nearby park.