This is a great summer and fall to escape the city with a little camping! Here at Aosom, we love our camping excursion and keeping our campers happy We are certainly guilty when it comes to needing to force ourselves for a break from work and the distractions of every day life and we admit sometimes what it takes to put your phone down, is to go to a place without service. Getting out of town and into a tent (or RV) is a great way to unplug and disconnect from the daily grind! Some of the reasons we love to camp is how affordable it is, especially once you have your own gear, it is to to refuel and relax outdoors. We love to have a long conversation that don’t need a point, to get some reading done, fish, and to hike in the company of mother nature. A camping trip to the woods, beach, mountain, or lake can be an affordable and extremely enjoyable way to take a vacation! We picked five great product we thought every camping trip could benefit from. Keep reading to find out more affordable gear with think is crucial to a fun camping trip.
1. An easy to set up tent
We love happy campers. A great way to ensure this happiness is to have a good home base – a place to sleep and rest so you have energy to do all the activities on your checklist! A tent will help you hide from bugs and other random fauna (not too big, we hope), as well as provide some shade and a little added warm and insulation. We highly recommend this cool new Outsunny pop-up tent. It is light, portable, and big enough to sleep 4-5 people. The case we make for the pop-up tent is not a difficult one. If you are still using an old school tent from the 90s (or maybe even older! We know you’re out there), you should seriously consider upgrading right away due to vast improvements in design and materials! This popup tent opens easily from its circular folded position and is super simple to set up in minutes. The mesh windows are great at keeping pesky bugs out and letting ventilation and the breeze through.
2. A foldable picnic table

How about a sweet picnic table for four, that folds down into the size of a suitcase? These are super handy to have around and a great addition for any festival, car camping trip, or really any place where convenient seating and eating is a welcome amenity. The table has a hole for an umbrella that can be added easily after-the-fact. Or, the table would work great under an Outsunny canopy tent (see next item, please!)
3. A portable canopy tent

Okay, we know we are talking about car camping or as some people prefer, “glamping”, but we don’t see a reason why you shouldn’t have a canopy tent to help make your next camping trip more comfortable, shady, dry, and less surrounded by insects. This super affordable model from Outsunny is big enough to cover most tables and features a mesh netting that zips up around. Avoid being bothered by a nature’s shower or rays of hot sun by taking cover a canopy. It is a great spot to gather for some late night cards by lantern light, helping ward of mosquitoes and bugs by closing the mesh netting around you.
4. A camping chair, that rocks

Every camping trip is going to need some portable chairs. Perfect to gather around the fire with. Don’t worry about feeling goofy, or living a cliché, go ahead and start that campfire sing-along, you won’t regret it! We highly recommend this Outsunny rocking camping chair. It offers all the benefits found in many camping chairs, but with excellent rocking capabilities. Cushioned arms and back rest make it extra comfortable. It has two cup holders to place your favorite thermos of coffee, or cold beverage, morning noon, or night. You might even find yourself rocking yourself into taking a little snooze!
5. A comfortable, durable sleeping pad
Sleeping on solid ground is, well, solid. While the term “roughing it” sounds kind of nice when you are bragging to your friends about your latest adventure to clear blue lakes and pristine wildness, it actually doesn’t feel all that nice when you wake up with a solid knot bulging from your lower back. An Outsunny twin sized sleeping pad is our recommendation for both, comfort, convenience and durability. This model is pumpless and is self inflating. While some might be attracted to the thicker blow-up mattresses, they require a pump (or He-man/She-Ra iron lungs) so you can inflate it and then you’ll constantly be worried about poking a hole while you are out “roughing it”m which would mean waking up with a sore back and an air-less mattress. Not ideal.
Thanks for checking out our 5 recommended products for a successful camping trip. These are just a few of the many camping products we have at Aosom. Check out more on our website for our full selection of camping gear. For even more extensive lists of must-pack items and helpful checklists to make sure you are bringing very thing you need, check out this blog! happy camping and exploring!